Saturday, October 25, 2008


I'm game, I'm willing, I try to see the benefit of RSS feeds....but I just don't see how this is something I am going to use. I have better things to do with my time - but then that's the point I suppose. I like to keep up on the weather for travel and sporting events, home improvement ideas, crafts, cooking, etc and have it all in one place so I don't have to waste time surfing. Speaking of sporting events, I was happy to find RSS feeds for NASCAR. Right now I am getting news posted to me about the latest news in NASCAR Sprint Cup series and about my favorite driver. Anyway, I'll keep playing with it and, as I already stated, I'm game to find out how this all will help me. Who knows? This could turn out to be a pretty cool thing!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

What's your Wiki?

As resistant as I am to try new technologies, I have to say that I do enjoy Wikis. In spite of myself I have found them to be very useful in the workplace. And now after perusing a few other library's Wikis I can see how fun they can really be. In particular I liked Princeton's library Wiki for the book reviews - heading into Halloween season I am excited about viewing and reading various horror and supense films as well as books. One review gave me a good idea for a costume!
And then I was randomly clicking through the Bull Run Library Wiki - I found the dream library job! Promoting downloadable eBooks, audiobooks, music, and video on the Digital Bookmobile! What a blast it would be to drive around a massive 75 foot Big rig!!! To much fun - check it out!